Main Page
From Mapping DH
Welcome to the Mapping Digital Humanities Wikibase Instance!
The goals of this initiative are to document the institutional history of Digital Humanities and serve as a hub for information about institutions, events, publications and people associated with Digital Humanities.
Note that this instance is in an early public beta while we continue to add, check, fix and reference data and refine the data model. Even beyond that phase, we expect this resource to remain in constant movement.
Headline feature
- Map of centers, events, study programmes, institutions and people
- To go further, check out some of our sample queries.
- The goals and scope of the project.
- A summary of the data model.
- The various sources of our data.
- The road map for the project.
- A brief project outline.
- Acknowledgements.
Feel free to contact Christof Schöch at if you have any questions or suggestions.