City or town (E2)

From Mapping DH
language codelabeldescriptionaliasesedit
enCity or townAn entity schema for the class City or town (Q41)edit
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX xsd: <> 
PREFIX geo: <>

# This EntitySchema concerns "City or town"
start = @<City_or_town>

# Any instance of the subclass City or town needs: 
<City_or_town> EXTRA wdt:P17 {   

  # "instance of": Q41 (City or town) - exactly one
  wdt:P17 [wd:Q41] ;    

  # "in country": Item of class Q74 - exactly one 
  wdt:P101 {
    wdt:P17 [wd:Q74] 

  # "in state": Item of class Q619 - zero or one 
  wdt:P73 @<state> ? ;

  # "Wikidata ID": external identifier - exactly one
  wdt:P56 xsd:string ;     

  # "coordinate location": string - exactly one
  wdt:P13 geo:wktLiteral ;     


<country> EXTRA wdt:P17 {
  wdt:P17 [wd:Q74] ; }

<state> EXTRA wdt:P17 {
  wdt:P17 [wd:Q619] ; }