Unit (E4)
From Mapping DH
language code | label | description | aliases | edit |
en | Unit | An entity schema for the class unit (Q31). Only encodes minimal requirements at this time. | edit |
PREFIX wdt: <https://mapping-dh.wikibase.cloud/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <https://mapping-dh.wikibase.cloud/entity/>
PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
start = @<Unit>
# Any instance of the class Unit needs:
<Unit> EXTRA wdt:P17 {
# "instance of": Q31 (Unit) or its subclasses - exactly one
wdt:P17 [wd:Q31 wd:Q2 wd:Q14 wd:Q89 wd:Q904 wd:Q905 wd:Q906 wd:Q907 wd:Q70 wd:Q250 wd:Q39 wd:Q1247] {1} ;
# "website": URL - exactly one
wdt:P4 IRI {1} ;
# "abbreviation": string - zero or one
wdt:P14 xsd:string ? ;
# "part of: item of type institution - one or two
wdt:P7 @<institution> {1,2} ;
# any subclass of Q1176 independent institution
<institution> EXTRA wdt:P17 {
wdt:P17 [wd:Q4 wd:Q1175 wd:Q1177 wd:Q39 wd:Q1247] + ; }