Association (E6)

From Mapping DH
language codelabeldescriptionaliasesedit
enAssociationAn entity schema for the class Q30 (Association).edit
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX xsd: <> 

start = @<Association>

# Any instance of the class Q30 Association needs: 
<Association> EXTRA wdt:P17 {   

  # "instance of": Q30 (Association) - exactly one
  wdt:P17 [wd:Q30] {1}  ; 

  # "website": URL - zero or one
  wdt:P4 IRI {0,1} ;

  # "abbreviation": string - zero or one
  wdt:P14 xsd:string {0,1} ;

  # "duration": EDTF – exactly one 
  wdt:P95 xsd:edtf {1}  ; 

  # "Wikidata ID": external identifier - zero or one  
  wdt:P56 xsd:string {0,1}  ;

  # "field of work": any item of class field of work or its subclasses - one or up to five
  wdt:P12 @<field> {1,5}  ;


# any item that is instance of class Q7 (Field of work)
<field> EXTRA wdt:P17 {
  wdt:P17 [wd:Q7] + ; }